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Saturday, October 29, 2011


                      This blog will have various types of post and comments on the fashion of photography. Now what does fashion of photography mean? It doesn't mean to have a nice sense of style, but to understand the collection of light to different electromagnetic devices. All of these fancy words are just description of a picture and how it forms from a camera. Just have in mind that maybe if you Google search 'photography fashion' pictures of models and clothing will pop up. However, tasteful photographers that started out at a young age understand that fashion comes with its many meaning. Here we are using the noun to describe 'make or form of anything' (pictures). In this blog you and I will learn a thing or two from each other about photography. Its simple, I will update this blog with different facts and comments of my experiences, while you check in and also can interact with me by commenting. Feel free to leave any feed back about the site. How it will work is I will discuss a different topic or photo I've taken and the blog will continue so on. I hope you enjoy this type of layout for the time being. Please drop by the Fashion in Photography inc. Thank you for your time.